Notice is hereby given that the City of Jackson, Tennessee, Beer Board will meet Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at 8:15 a.m. in the City Council Conference Room at City Hall, 101 East Main Street, to consider the following applications for a beer license:
- Lizzie Emmons, for a Special Occasion on May 10, for the Jackson Arts Council to sell, store and serve at The Ned.
- Melanie and Robert A. Lupino, for a Special Occasion on April 23, for
the Hemp Festival to sell, store and serve on Liberty Street and the
Downtown Tavern (the street will be closed.
- Bhupender R. Patel, for a business known as Best Western, located at
2443 Christmasville Cove, Jackson, TN, for selling, storing, and serving
on the premises where sold.
- Christopher M Fultz, for a business known as Hilton Garden Inn -
Jackson, located at 1324 Vann Drive, Jackson, TN, for selling, storing,
and serving on the premises where sold.
- Baldevbhai A. Patel, for a business known as The Smoke Shop, located at
799 Hollywood Drive, Jackson, TN, for selling, storing, and serving on
the premises where sold.