City of Jackson Recreation and Parks Department adds digital sign-in and sign-out feature

JACKSON, Tenn. – The City of Jackson Recreation and Parks Department will implement a new sign-in and sign-out feature at the 2021 Westwood Summer Camp via the ProCare app.
“The goal of the app is to reduce the number of people coming in and out of the building,” said JRPD Community Engagement Director Christi David. “The app will allow parents to sign their children in or out from their vehicle using a unique pin code.”
The ProCare app will allow the parent or guardian to add additional people who are authorized to pick up their child/children from the camp. Camp Staff will utilize the app to send newsletters and event reminders to parents and guardians of campers. Parents can also use the app to send messages directly to camp staff.
"The implementation of the new ProCare app that our Recreation and Parks Department will use this summer is a game changer for the parents and guardians of the campers," said Mayor Scott Conger. "I thank the recreation staff for their work in finding new ways to make camp more convenient."
The ProCare app is available to download via the Apple iOS App Store or Google Play Store.
JRPD Summer Camp staff will be available at Westwood to troubleshoot any issues on June 1, 2021 at 8am.